020 8691 5898

General Meeting

Tuesday 15th April 2025 at 7pm

in person at 249 Lewisham Way, SE4 1XF 


We are looking forward to seeing you! 

     Brockley Tenants’ Co-op has been working in London SE4 for 50 years
providing housing for local people, and is fully managed by its Members.



Our Mission Statement:

"Brockley Tenants Co-op delivering safe, secure, decent and affordable homes for its Members."

For Emergencies only after 5 p.m. please call 020 8691 5898 and you will be directed to our out of hours service.

Download Standing Order forms or pay via All Pay

Information about our welfare workers & help with rent.

Reporting repairs more information via our Member Resources

Please see our complaints page and fill out the complaints form.

What BTC do to assist to resolve neighbourly disputes/ASB

*Please note the housing applications is currently closed at this time.

Brockley Tenants' Co-operative Ltd.

249 Lewisham Way, Brockley, London SE4 1XF
Tel: 020 8691 5898  Email: 
housing@brockley.coop  or  admin@brockley.coop