020 8691 5898


Brockley Tenants Cooperative aims to give excellent customer service.  We will listen, explain what can and cannot be done and do what we say we will do.  If we do not meet our service standards we will apologise, accept responsibility, and put things right if this is under our control.

Complaints present an opportunity for continuous improvement and are welcomed.

What is a Complaint?

A complaint can be defined as:

An expression of dissatisfaction about the standard of service, actions, or lack of action by our staff or those acting on our behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.

What is not considered a Complaint?

We will not consider a complaint anything that:

Is a ‘complaint’ about another resident that can be addressed under other policies (e.g., ASB)
Happened more than twelve months ago.
Has previously been investigated and not upheld.
Is being considered through another complaints or appeal process.
Is about compliance with a policy, law, or regulation.
Is an insurance claim.
Is subject to legal, court, tribunal or Ombudsman proceedings.
Is made anonymously.

How can I make a complaint?

Ideally, we would like to hear complaints in our members own words so we welcome complaints in whatever way you feel most comfortable for example, by letter, email, telephone call, on line form or in person. We will also accept complaints from a third party or representative where consent has been provided.

If you have cause to make a complaint, please tell us what went wrong and what you would like us to do to put things right.

We will aim to respond to complaints within ten working days and if we are not able to respond within this timescale, we will contact you and let you know why we are not able to respond within the time scale.

If you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you can make a stage two complaint to the Management Committee.  This will be heard at the next Committee Closed meeting, you can present your case in person or in writing. If you are not satisfied with this response, you can appeal to the Housing Ombudsman. The Ombudsman will not usually respond to complaints that have not been through our complaints process. For more information about the Ombudsman go to hhtp:/www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk

All complaints are reported to the Management Committee with consideration given to what we can learn from the complaint to drive continuous service improvement.

Our Complaints Policy is downloadable from this link - Complaints Policy - or you can contact our office to request an electronic or hard copy.

BTC has carried out a self-assessment of our complaints process and performance, as required by the Housing Ombudsman. It is available from the link below:

Self Assessment Form



Make a Complaint










Brockley Tenants' Co-operative Ltd.

249 Lewisham Way, Brockley, London SE4 1XF
Tel: 020 8691 5898  Email: 
housing@brockley.coop  or  admin@brockley.coop