Anti-Social Behaviour
Most of our residents behave in a neighbourly fashion. On occasion however, people will experience Anti-SocialBehaviour (ASB).
ASB is a conduct that has caused or is likely to cause harassment alarm or distress to a person. Everyone has the right to live their chosen lifestyle, but this must not unreasonably interfere with the quality of life of others. There should be tolerance and respect for the needs of others.
If you have a complaint of nuisance from a neighbouring property, sometimes its good to talk to your neighbour as they may not realise that their behaviour bothers you. It is always better if neighbours can resolve their problems informally, most noise issues are resolved this way.
All criminal activity should be reported to the police on 101 or in emergency 999. You can also report criminal activity to the safer neighbourhood’s team.
What is NOT ASB
Behaviour that results from different lifestyles or that would not be considered unreasonable by most people is not ASB this may include:
Reporting and Resolving ASB
BTC staff will investigate complaints about neighboursand tell you what we can do to assist to resolve the issue. On occasion you may be asked to keep a diary of incidents to help provide us with the evidence to support the case should further action become necessary. We may need to liaise with other agenciessuch as the Police, Social Services or support services who have other powers and areas of expertise.
To read our complete Anti Social Behaviour Policy please download the file below....
249 Lewisham Way, Brockley, London SE4 1XF
Tel: 020 8691 5898 Email: or