020 8691 5898


Pets Policy

Residents must ensure:

  • The pet does not cause any nuisance by making noise consistently at any hour of the day or night if e.g. it’s left alone for most of the day.
  • The pet is kept under control at all times i.e. the pet should not be allowed on communal areas unsupervised or without restraint/ harness.
  • All fouling caused by the pet in communal areas e.g. urine and faeces, are all cleaned up and efforts made to prevent recurrence
  • The pet does not cause any damage to the property and you agree to pay for any damages caused.
  • The pet does not cause any harm or show aggressive behaviour to others.

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Pets Policy


Brockley Tenants' Co-operative Ltd.

249 Lewisham Way, Brockley, London SE4 1XF
Tel: 020 8691 5898  Email: 
housing@brockley.coop  or  admin@brockley.coop